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Health situation of Bundibugyo displaced “critical”

The health situation of internally displaced people (IDPs) in Uganda’s southwestern town of Bundibugyo is critical, according to a survey by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). The survey, conducted between 12 - 18 March, revealed that the constant influx of newcomers and the onset of the rainy season “can only worsen the current living conditions of the IDPs”. “This presents an emergency situation which must be addressed both on the medical and logistical sides,” the team observed. The IDPs are scattered in camps namely Bumbay, Coffee Union, Hospital Quarter, Kajambura, Katanga, Kavule, Kisenyi and Kituyi. “Overcrowding is a characteristic of all the camps located in Bundibugyo town. The priority is therefore to relocate the IDPs staying in town to one or two camps situated outside the town,” the MSF team said. A total of 77 deaths were recorded, which represented an average daily crude mortality rate for the period 26 January to 14 March of 1.37 per 10,000 per day. Among the under fives, the average daily mortality rate for the same period was 1.68 per 10,000 per day, with 15 deaths reported. Injuries were the primary cause of death in the five and above age group, underlining the poor security conditions prevailing in the district and population movements. The prevalence of acute malnutrition found during the survey was borderline. Acute global malnutrition was estimated at 5.7 percent and acute severe malnutrition at 2.2 percent.

This article was produced by IRIN News while it was part of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Please send queries on copyright or liability to the UN. For more information:

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